3 Tips for Managing a Pharmaceutical Facility

Regarding facilities management, a few things to remember when offering services in a pharmaceutical facility. The pharmaceutical industry has unique needs and requirements that must be considered when managing a facility since it is a highly regulated sector. This is an opportunity for you to provide the best service possible. Below are three tips to consider when managing a pharmaceutical facility:

Keep up with cGMPs

cGMPs, or current Good Manufacturing Practices, are always changing. This means that facilities management needs to be up-to-date on the latest practices to ensure that their services are compliant. Since the pharmaceutical industry is highly regulated, non-compliance can result in severe fines and other consequences. Therefore, it is essential to stay up to date with cGMPs to ensure that the facility is compliant.

You can stay updated with the FDA’s requirements by utilizing digital checklists to monitor compliance. The FDA will then be able to see if the company has what it takes in terms of facilities and equipment and the ability to produce the drugs the company wants to sell. Additionally, staying abreast of industry news and reading trade publications can help facilities management anticipate changes before they happen.

Facilitate Proper Maintenance

Maintenance is essential to any facility management plan in the pharmaceutical industry. Proper maintenance helps to reduce potential risks that can occur within the facility. It also ensures compliance with cGMPs by making sure equipment is running properly. Here are some aspects that need focus:

Pharmaceutical Floorings

The pharma floorings of the facility should be properly maintained to provide a clean, safe, and suitable environment for drug production. Flooring must be non-slip, shock absorbent, and resistant to spilled chemicals and other contaminants. Additionally, pharma floors must be easy to clean and provide a sterile environment. It is best if these are made of non-porous materials like epoxy, urethane, and vinyl, resistant to the various chemicals used in the production process.

Prepare for Emergencies

Facilities management must always be prepared for potential emergencies. This includes having a plan to quickly address any issues that may arise in the facility. For example, how will it be addressed if there is a power outage? Also, what if there is a fire emergency? Facilities management should have an evacuation plan and ensure that employees know it. Additionally, having safety protocols for handling hazardous chemicals and other risks is important to ensure the safety of workers, like proper disposal of medical wastes and wearing protective gear.

HVAC Systems

The HVAC systems must be maintained and tested regularly to ensure proper temperature, humidity, and air pressure levels. This will keep employees safe and prevent any contamination of products. A proper filtration system is especially integral in this industry since it helps remove airborne particles that can create problems during production. These problems range from contamination to the efficiency of the final product due to molds and other toxins, which could lead to issues with regulatory bodies.

Keeping up with these aspects is an important consideration to keep in mind when providing services within this industry. Missing one of these can have severe consequences like fines and other repercussions. Ensuring top-notch service will also help your services to stand out in the marketplace and have a competitive edge.

Establish a Pest Management Plan

Pests can seriously threaten both people and products in a pharmaceutical facility. That’s why facilities management needs to establish a pest management plan that outlines how to prevent and deal with infestations should they occur. Some measures that can be taken to prevent pests include:

Sealing entry points: Ensure that all windows and entry points are sealed with screens and other materials like caulk. These are great for keeping out insects, rodents, and other pests.

Regular inspections: Regularly inspect the facility for signs of pests. This could include damaged insulation, droppings, or nests in hard-to-reach places. If these are found, contact a pest control expert right away.

Maintaining cleanliness: Keep a clean facility and ensure food is stored properly to minimize the chances of pests entering. Pests are particularly attracted to food and water sources, so it’s best to keep these away from the facility.

Using traps: Set up traps to catch any pests that may have managed to enter the facility. Place these in areas where pests are likely to hide or travel, like near walls, storage areas, and behind equipment.

If an infestation does occur, quick action is crucial in preventing further damage and ensuring the safety of employees and products. As a facilities manager, you should know the best practices for dealing with pests and have the plan to tackle any problems. It is still best to prevent these from happening instead of dealing with them afterward. This way, you can be regarded as a reliable and responsible facilities management provider translating to more business.

Pharmaceuticals are a highly-regulated industry with many important safety considerations. To provide top-notch services in this industry, facilities management providers must be aware of the various aspects that must be considered. By ensuring the important areas are well taken care of, you can set your business apart from the competition and demonstrate your commitment to safety.


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