General contractor at work

Becoming a General Contractor in the United States: The Benefits of Owning Your Own Business

• Job security and flexibility are two of the biggest benefits of becoming a general contractor.

• The demand for these services is always high, leading to financial rewards.

• To become a successful contractor, one must obtain necessary licenses and permits, purchase or rent equipment, and find clients.

• With the right knowledge and techniques, you can become successful as a contractor and make a great living doing what you love.

• Take the necessary steps today to start your own general contracting business and enjoy the amazing financial rewards that come with it.

The construction industry is one of the largest employers in the U.S. It’s estimated that nearly ten million people are employed in this industry by thousands of construction firms. However, the most prevalent in the industry are general contractors. These are Americans who want to be their own bosses in the field. Here are other reasons why you should start a business in this field.

Reasons to Become a General Contractor

As a general contractor, you will be responsible for managing construction projects from start to finish. You’ll be responsible for overseeing the entire process, from obtaining permits and hiring subcontractors to deal with potential problems and keeping the project on track. It is no easy task but it can be incredibly rewarding. Here are just a few of the benefits of owning your own business as a general contractor in the United States.

Construction site with people at work

Job Security

One of the biggest benefits of being a general contractor is job security. Construction work is one of the most in-demand jobs in America and there are always more projects that need to be completed than there are people available to do them. This means that if you have experience and expertise as a general contractor, you will be able to find plenty of work and make good money doing it.


Another great benefit of being a general contractor is flexibility. As an independent business owner, you are free to take on any project that interests you or that fits within your schedule. You can also choose what kind of materials and tools you want to use, as well as how long each job will take you. This means that you have complete control over your own destiny as an entrepreneur, which can provide an immense amount of satisfaction.

The Demand is High

Another benefit of owning a general contracting business is that the demand for these services is always high. Construction projects are constantly popping up across the United States and there is no shortage of people or companies that need help with these projects. This means that if you become an experienced contractor, you will never have to worry about finding work or making enough money to keep your business afloat.

Financial Rewards

Finally, being a general contractor comes with some amazing financial rewards. According to statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), construction managers made an average salary of $98,000 per year in 2019—meaning that experienced contractor firm owners can easily make much more than this with the right projects under their belt. Additionally, since most contractors are self-employed or contract workers, they typically don’t pay any employer taxes or benefits packages either—which helps keep their bottom line even higher!

Tips to Get Started

If it’s your dream to become a general contractor, there are certain steps you must take to ensure your success. Here are some of them:

Purchase or Rent Equipment

Construction requires all sorts of heavy equipment like cranes for you to do your job. If you need a crane for your firm, consider renting first. You can rent an affordable self-erecting crane for every job. This way, you don’t have to purchase costly equipment upfront. However, once you’ve established yourself as a competent contractor and are receiving regular jobs, you should definitely consider investing in your own equipment.

Get Certified

Most states require contractors to register or be certified before they can legally operate within the state. Therefore, it’s important that you understand how to obtain the necessary certification. Generally speaking, this will involve some form of training and passing a licensing exam.

Contractor chatting with home-owners

Acquire the Necessary Licenses and Permits

Getting your general contractor license is a lengthy process that involves taking exams and meeting state requirements. Make sure to do your research and ensure you understand all of the requirements for licensing in your state prior to starting down this path. Additionally, you must obtain any necessary permits before carrying out a project.

Finding Clients

Once you are certified and licensed, the next step is to find clients. You can start by networking with other contractors and builders in your area and placing ads online or in local publications. Additionally, it’s important that you understand how to properly bid on jobs and budget for them.

These are just a few tips that can help you if you’re interested in starting your own general contracting business. With the right knowledge and techniques, you can become successful as a contractor and make a great living doing what you love. Once you’ve perfected the art of being a general contractor, there is no limit to what you can achieve.

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